Is the Short Story genre the most difficult to master? I think so. It demands a miniaturization of story line and characters. Short stories can be very long, short novels in fact. But usually a reader expects a shorter ride. This means the opening and closing paragraphs of a short story more so than in a… Continue reading About My Short Stories
Author: Jonathan Bell
Mia Culpa
I identify myself as an author of literature. Not so measured by the sheer volume of the material I’ve written. That would be in journalism, in business magazine articles, of which I’ve had more than 900 articles in print, or about 2,000 pages. I’ve made far, far more money on journalism, that’s for sure. … Continue reading Mia Culpa
A blog is a blog is a blog
Naming a blog is far more difficult than I had considered. There are schools of thought about it. Some opt for opportunistic titles that can be provocative and or cute. The idea being to catch flies in one’s honey trap. I eschewed this, although I know some might find ‘Bell’s Lettres’ on the sappy side.… Continue reading A blog is a blog is a blog
writing Prairie Dancers
The Prairie Dancers was my first novel and remains close to my heart. I began it in 1976, writing in pen on a large tablet. I had finished grad school, English lit and Creative writing, at the University of Kansas. I was living in Lawrence with my cat Belle Star, who graciously kept me company… Continue reading writing Prairie Dancers
July 24, 2018
You are on the dedicated site for my four novels and seven of my short stories. My web log begins here also, today. To the cheering crowd awaiting this auspicious grand opening I say ‘welcome home.’ First, this is where I am. At home. I sit writing the first entry of my virgin blog… Continue reading July 24, 2018